TIME OUT Mindfulness Training and Mindfulness Challenge: February 6, 2017

Monday, February 6 – 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location: George P. Nicholson School
During this training Susan teaches you a variety of mindfulness techniques (3-11 minutes) for relaxation, stress reduction, concentration, focus, memory, self-regulation and depression.   It’s simple and easy to do.  All you need is you!



Monday, February 6 – 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location: George P. Nicholson School

Susan Agrios, former K-12 school teacher, fitness trainer, elite athlete, international yoga & meditation teacher developed a TIME OUT Mindfulness kit for teachers, students and parents.  The kit includes a PDF and audio download (just press play and listen as you are guided through mindfulness techniques that can induce profound relaxation for the body & mind), mindfulness exercises as well as daily mindfulness techniques (3-11 minutes) for relaxation, stress reduction, concentration, focus, memory, self-regulation and depression.  Some of the mindfulness techniques are backed by scientific research out of a variety of Universities in the USA.  It’s simple and easy to do.  All you need is you!

Susan has trained over 1600 people (teachers, parents, business people, athletes, counsellors, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists etc.) with the TIME OUT Mindfulness Kits and over 12000 adults and kids have taken her 40 Day Mindfulness Challenge.  Will you be the next?